Thursday May 9th - Sunday May 12th
Partner WOD – Find a friend and do some work! 2-Person Teams complete the following in any order or repetition scheme.
100 Burpees
75 Pull ups
50 Tire Flips (any tire)
25 Sled Pushes (that includes a down and back- high/low push)
Endurance: at the box at 6 am
2, 3 or 4 x 1 Mile
Rest is Equal to ½ Work
Buy-in: 3x12 Reverse Hypers
Strength: Push Press 4x2 @ 75%
Death by 10 meters
“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds
1 Minute Max Rep Wall Balls
1 Minute Max Rep SDLHP
1 Minute Max Rep Box Jumps
1 Minute Max Rep Push Press
1 Minute Max Cal Row
1 Minute Rest
Amnesty – Complete a workout you may have missed during the week or come in and work on a skill.