Thursday May 2nd - Sunday May 5th

Baby Mark is not a baby anymore! Its official - Mark is all grown up and welcomes everyone to help celebrate his new house and some maturity! Party at Mark's new house this Saturday and everyone is welcome. Festivities begin at 4pm - bring your favorite food or drink. For more information and address - Please look at the main board at the gym. Hope to see everyone there.



3 Rounds – Not for Time

10 Bench Press @ 55% of 1RM

10 Dumbell Presses

Max Reps Weighted Pull ups

10 Stiff Legged Deadlifts

200 meter farmers carry


Endurance – 6 am at ECC

10 x 10 Burpees into a 100 yrd sprint



Buy-in:  3x10 L-sit curls to extension with 5 second hold

Strength: Snatch 6x1

WOD: On the Minute (OTM) x 16 minutes of:

10 Wall balls (on odd minutes)

20 Double Unders  (on the even minutes)




Run 800 meters

Then 2 rounds of:

50 Burpees

40 Pullups

30 One legged Squats

20 KBS 55/35


Then 800 meter run



Amnesty – Make up a workout you may have missed or work on a skill.
