Monday Jan 27th - Wednesday Jan 29th


Strength: Front Squat 8X2 @ 85% of 1RM

Sellout: 3 minutes of max rep box jumps



Skill Work: 15 mins to work on OLY Work (Snatch, Clean, Jerk, Dead Lift)

WOD: 10 Min of As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) of

15 Power Snatches 75/55#

30 Double Unders


Endurance: 6 am at the box (ECC main gym)

Team KBS & Shuttle Run Delight



WOD: 20 Min AMRAP of:

3 - Bar Muscle Ups (Scaling version includes C2B pull-ups or dead hang pull-ups)

6 – HSPU’s

9 – Toes to Bar

